Arrested And Out On Bond? 3 Reasons You Should Never Jump Bail

If you've been arrested, and have recently posted bail, you need to do everything you can to uphold the orders you were given when bail was granted. Whether the charges against you were for a serious crime, or not, you're still required to obey all the bail orders while you're out of police custody. Failing to abide by those orders could end up costing you more than you anticipated. It's particularly important that you remain in town while on bail. If you jump bail before your case goes to trial, you could face serious consequences. Take a look at three of those consequences.

You Forfeit Your Bail

When you received your bond for release, you, or a family member, probably provided cash and collateral to cover the cost of bail. Depending on the severity of your charges, your bond could have been anywhere from a few thousand dollars, to tens of thousands of dollars. If you jump bail, you will forfeit that bail, including both the cash and the collateral. If your family members posted the bail, they'll be the ones losing out. Before you run, you need to think about whether it's worth losing your bail.

You Continue to Face the Original Charges

When you jump bail, you'll continue to face the original charges. Those won't go away simply because you're no longer present for court. As soon as you're apprehended, they'll begin the process again. However, now you'll most likely be facing additional charges stemming from your run from the law. Don't add to your troubles by running from the law. Protect your bail, and avoid additional charges, by following the rules of your bail, and staying in town.

You Could End Up with a Bounty Hunter After You

When you run from the law after you've received a bail bond, the bail bond company that you went through loses money. Depending on the amount of your bail, it could be a substantial amount of money they stand to lose. Your bail bond company is going to want their money back, which means they're going to look for you. That could mean that you'll end up with a bounty hunter on your tail. It's important to remember that bounty hunters aren't police officers, which means they don't need to follow the same rules. In fact, when it comes to hunting fugitives, bounty hunters have very few rules that they're required to follow. Don't end up with a bounty hunter after you. Stay in town, and wait for your case to go through the legal system.

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